
Ok guys, just as an update I’ve spontaneously travelled home to be with my boyfriend and my family, so that means that I won’t be posting as much this weekend, because I want to make the most of being with them. 

Just a thought for the weekend though as I’ve been thinking about it a lot on the journey. 

  1. If you feel the need to smile, no matter where you are, whether you’re at home, or just travelling somewhere on a bus or a train, just smile, as big as you want! Who cares what the people around you think! Also, smiling is infectious, spread it!
  2. Remember that above everything else, the people around you matter, more than any item! If your family or friends need you, do what you can, they are SO important.
  3. Take a moment to appreciate yourself today, there’s not enough self-love in the world, spreading love is definitely important but remember to think about yourself too! Just take a moment now to think of just 5 things you love about yourself, I dare you! (Also remember not to let this be a limit, you are so much more than just 5 good qualities- this is important to remember too!) 
  4. Be you. I remember once when I was really young, probably like 7-8 years old I was talking to my mum about how to act. I asked what sort of thing I should do ‘when I’m big’, and my mum simply replied with ‘do whatever you love to do, and just be yourself.’ I really vividly remember replying with ‘But what if people don’t like me.’ People should not be worrying about things like that and especially not at that age! This in itself shows a huge problem in society! I’m still working on this one, but yeah worry less about what people think and focus on what YOU want, because no one knows what you want more than yourself.

That’s all really, have a beautiful weekend! 

I’ll leave you with a photo of how my cat reacted to me coming home! She ignored me, and jumped straight on my suitcase! She needs to learn to love me more.  


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